When you require sophisticated, efficient and timely solutions in structuring and operating your financial institution, we have a broad foundation of relevant experience.
Our partnership is extremely stable – the average partner’s tenure at the firm is more than 20 years. Most of our partners base their practice on their prior government service with the corporate finance or securities divisions of such federal regulatory agencies as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the former Federal Home Loan Bank Board and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
Because we are “working partners” we are able to provide our clients immediate, high level and sustained attention individually, efficiently working with our colleagues as our client’s needs dictate. Many of our partners work in more than one of our primary practice areas, allowing us to provide our clients the effective service they expect and deserve. This experience also ensures that our clients’ needs are met on a timely basis at a fair and reasonable fee, and permits us to provide flexible and innovative fee arrangements on an individualized basis.